Saturday, August 2, 2008

Losing Teeth, ALREADY!?

Mackensie has her first loose tooth! SHE is very excited. Mom, Dad and Grandma are pretty much bummed out. Can she really be growing up that fast? Her and I went to and found some interesting items. We found one web site that had a forest background. Mackensie said, "I just knew the tooth fairy would live in the forest. I wonder if she knows the bebe fairy? Maybe I can get my bebe back". Then she laughed and hit herself on the knee and said "Oh, I crack myself up! I'm too big for a bebe". (if you don't remember she called her binkie a bebe).


Natalie said...

That is really funny. What a cute little girl!

Delee said...

Oh my, she's growing up too fast! I'm so glad we're moving there soon so I won't have to miss anything else!
Tell Mackensie she cracks me up, too! Love you!!!